Mysejahtera status - PAC report on MySejahtera procurement to be tabled in Parliament in July

Status mysejahtera Users still

MySejahtera users are getting the blue Verified badge and nobody knows why

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Status mysejahtera Sinovac recipents

Status mysejahtera Sinovac recipents

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Cara Kemaskini Mysejahtera (Update Status Terbaru & Terkini)

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【 How to Update Your MySejahtera Profile to The Latest Date? 】

Status mysejahtera How To

Status mysejahtera PAC report

Malaysian government explains why you have a 'Verified' status in MySejahtera

Those who don't update their MySejahtera profile could find that the app won't display their vaccination status properly.

  • Initially, it alluded that the government owns practically everything related to MySejahtera but then reported legal documents revealed a 3-way ownership split between the components related to the app which contradicts official statements.

  • © Provided by The Rakyat Post How to Change MySejahtera Yellow Status to Blue Accordingly, we have to answer the assessment question for 10 days when our status turns yellow.

PAC report on MySejahtera procurement to be tabled in Parliament in July

MySejahtera status will return to the original after 10 days.

  • On 1 March 2021, the Malaysia Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin that the Casual Contact risk status would be removed with immediate effect.

  • What do you guys think? Make sure the e-mail is correct because any feedback will be given later through the e-mail.