Surah as sajadah - 32. Surah As Sajdah

As sajadah surah Surah As


As sajadah surah Surah Sajdah

Surat As Sajdah Arab, Latin & Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia

As sajadah surah Surah as

As sajadah surah Tadabbur Surah

Surah As

As sajadah surah Surah As

As sajadah surah Surah As

Surah As

As sajadah surah Surah as

Surah As Sajdah Summary

As sajadah surah Surah As

As sajadah surah 32. Surah

As sajadah surah Surah As


If Allah does not permit, none of them has the power to intercede for you before Him.

  • It will be taken intact into custody and produced before its Lord.

  • They also knew that until a day before he made the claim to Prophethood, no one had ever heard from him those things which he had started presenting suddenly just after his claim to Prophethood.