Oku sentral - OKU Sentral ready to help set up Covid

Sentral oku JB OKU

OKU Sentral vaccine centre to roll out shots for 40,000 people over 5 months

Sentral oku Raikan Hari

Two dialysis centres to be set up for disabled people in Putrajaya, KL

Sentral oku Persatuan OKU

OKU, individu ada masalah kesihatan guna PMA tidak disaman

Sentral oku OKU Sentral

Sentral oku OKU Sentral

Selepas Tular Video Kaklong Dikatakan Hina OKU. Lelaki Ini Sebagai Wakil OKU Ambil Tindakan

Sentral oku “Bila OKU

Sentral oku Jabs for

Sentral oku Persatuan OKU

Sentral oku “Bila OKU

Sentral oku OKU, individu

Raikan Hari Raya 2022 Bersama

Programmes like these makes people realise that Malaysians have always been caring, and working together during this pandemic is how we need to fight COVID-19," said Datuk Ras Adiba, who is also a Member of the Senate of Malaysia to represent PWDs.

  • This OKU Sentral drive-through PPV is the second vaccination centre specifically for PwD that is managed by OKU Sentral after the one at the Sime Darby Plantation Ara Damansara.

  • Suntikan untuk OKU, penjaga dipercepatkan menerusi OKU.

Jabs for disabled, carers to be fast

The current roll-out is based on registrations received by OKU Sentral, of which 13,500 PwD will be given their vaccination appointments through the MySejahtera application.

  • Demi Allah saya tak ada niat hina OKU.

  • OKU Sentral chairman Datuk Ras Adiba Mohd Radzi said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba, after a walk-through of the facility in Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya, yesterday, had requested that the centre increase its jab administration capacity.

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