Nasty gibi pod mod elektronik sigaraları; sigara, puro, pipo ve nargile gibi tütün ürünlerinden ayıran en büyük şey ise nikotinin yanarak yani duman yoluyla değil buharlaşma yoluyla buhar olarak solunmasıdır.
No matter what style of vaping you enjoy, you are sure to find something for you among their range of e-liquids and nic salts.
But even though everything is simple and straightforward each product is crafted to meet the most stringent international standards.
Make sure to check back every Wednesday as the guys release a new episode weekly! Consult with a doctor before use when you have a severe medical condition or use prescription drugs.
Özellikle de sigara ve diğer tütün ürünlerinin ne kadar zararlı olduğu net bir şekilde ortadayken.
You can enjoy really nice aromas and none of these flavours taste too sweet on the tongue.