Otto honkai impact - Dvalin? In honkai... interesting : honkaiimpact3

Impact otto honkai Dvalin? In

Impact otto honkai Rita Rossweisse

Impact otto honkai Rita Rossweisse

Impact otto honkai OTTO APOCALYPSE,

Impact otto honkai Otto Apocalypse

How Otto in Honkai Impact Could be Related to Kamisato Ayato in Genshin

Impact otto honkai Otto Entertainment

Impact otto honkai Great Overseer

Rita Rossweisse

Impact otto honkai Rita Rossweisse

Theresa Apocalypse

Impact otto honkai Dvalin? In

Impact otto honkai Great Overseer

Great Overseer of Schicksal

A small honkai incident happened in her hometown, and Rita was saved by a certain Valkyrie dressed as a maid.

  • Following the successful mission, the girls take a graduation exam, during which a mysterious voice contacts Kiana and informs her of her lost parents, Siegfried Kaslana and Cecilia Schariac.

  • Now, a group of rebels have invaded this place.