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  • It follows the TAI standard with slight changes known as leap seconds to ensure that it remains synchronized with the Earth's rotation.

  • The planet-shaking photographs of the Red Chinese dictator, gripping the hand of the arch anti-Communist, fulfilled a vision that Nixon put to paper years before, of a day when the tiger economies of Asia would join Europe and America in a new, peaceful computer age — but only if mighty China, freed from seething isolation, came along.

World Time Zone and current time around the World and standard world time zones map of the world

Landing on Kahoʻolawe was forbidden.

  • Arriving At A Land Border Port of Entry Arriving At An Air or Sea Port of Entry Paper Form I-94s are issued at land border ports of entry.

  • The concept of these time zones was first suggested 1858 in a book written by Quirico Filopanti called Miranda! It is used by millions of people worldwide each month as a valuable resource for information, knowledge, and a means of planning and understanding time around the world.

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