Vivid meaning - VIVIDLY

Meaning vivid What does

Meaning vivid Vivid Dream

Meaning vivid Vivid

Meaning vivid VIVID English

Meaning vivid VIVID English

Meaning vivid No. 1

Meaning vivid 48 Synonyms


Meaning vivid VIVID English

Meaning vivid Vivid Synonyms


Meaning vivid What Does

VIVID English Definition and Meaning

What Does Vivid Mean?

These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same meaning as another word or phrase.

  • These are known as vivid dreams.

  • Many of the narratives furnish a vivid picture of the life of David with a minuteness of personal detail which has suggested to some that their author was intimately acquainted with the events, and, if not a contemporary, belonged to the succeeding generation, while to others it has seemed more probable that these reflect rather " the plastic mould of popular tradition.