Race - The Five Human Races

Race Race and

Historical Foundations of Race

Race Race (2008)

Race Definition & Meaning

Race Los Angeles

Race (2016)

Race Examples of

Race Races

Historical Foundations of Race

Race Race

The Five Human Races

Race Races

Race Race and

Race Race vs.


Race R.A.C.E

Historical Foundations of Race

During and after their reconquista reconquest of the Muslim principalities in the peninsula, the Catholic Monarchs Isabel and Ferdinand sought to establish a uniformly Christian state by expelling first the Jews in 1492 and then the Muslims in 1502.

  • American Anthropologist, 100, 690—702.

  • The line between race and ethnicity gets blurred in the case of Asians and Latinos in the United States.

The Five Human Races

Michael Root 2000, 632 notes that a person ascribed as Black in the United States would likely not be considered Black in Brazil, since each country has very different social institutions regarding the division of humanity into distinct races.

  • They raced each other home.

  • These constructs serve as an attempt to organize or explain the world around us.

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