Sleet meaning - SLEET

Meaning sleet The Weather

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What does sleet mean?

Meaning sleet Graupel Definition

Meaning sleet Sleet

Meaning sleet What does

Meaning sleet SLEET

Meaning sleet Sleet

What is the difference between graupel and sleet?

Meaning sleet What is

Meaning sleet What is

What is the difference between graupel and sleet?

When meteorologists in the United States use this term, they are referring to tiny ice pellets the size of a pea, at most formed when falling snow melts then quickly refreezes.

  • Cloud types This type of precipitation is mainly caused by nimbostratus, stratocumulus, and cumulonimbus clouds.

  • Freezing rain is made up of supercooled water droplets that freeze on contact with the ground, or other surfaces.