Tb joshua - What was Pastor TB Joshua's cause of death?

Joshua tb People In

Joshua tb Who is

Joshua tb T. B.


Joshua tb What was

Confirmed! TB Joshua dies: Autopsy result clarifying cause of death

Joshua tb The Secret

Who was TB Joshua? Why he thrived despite endless controversies?

Joshua tb TB Joshua

Joshua tb What was

Joshua tb TB Joshua’s

Joshua tb Meet The

Prophet T.B. Joshua is dead at 57

Joshua tb Who is

TB Joshua

Now, my question is — when it comes to talking against fellow pastors and prophets, is it the same Spirit at work? Now there are prophetic churches and other churches that grew as a result of opportunity and chance are intimidated and afriad of loosing their members to those prophetic churches.

  • Controversies TB Joshua was known for making predictions and for his claims to cure various ailments and to make people prosper through miracles.

  • It is worthwhile to interview Christians and not monks.

TB Joshua’s death didn't come to me as a surprise

I drop my pen here to say I love you all and trust only God, Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

  • In 2014, one of his churches collapsed, killing at least 116 people, including many South Africans.

  • At 24, He Founded SCOAN Ministry in 1987 When TB Joshua started his ministry named The Synagogue, Church of All Nations SCOAN , in 1987, he was just 24 years of age.

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