Twister movie - Twister (1989 film)

Movie twister Twister (1996)

Twister streaming: where to watch movie online?

Movie twister Twister (1996

Twister (1996) Reviews

Movie twister Twister (film)

Movie twister Twister: 10

Movie twister Twister (1996)

Movie twister Twister: 10

Movie twister Twister (1996

Movie twister Twister Movie

Twister (1989 film)

Movie twister Twister (1989

Movie twister Twister streaming:

Twister (1996) Soundtrack

Twister (1989)

Even Melissa can see that.

  • Some crew members, feeling that De Bont was "out of control", left the production five weeks into filming.

  • Twister received Academy Award nominations for Best Visual Effects and Best Sound, but lost both to Independence Day and The English Patient respectively.

Twister Movie Review

After filming in a particularly unsanitary ditch for the first tornado chase scene, in which Bill and Jo are forced to shelter from an approaching F1 tornado under a short bridge , Hunt and Paxton needed hepatitis shots.

  • The film was met moderately positive reviews, praising for its visual effects and sound design and receiving criticism for its screenplay.

  • Retrieved August 11, 2021.