Laperm - LaPerm Cat Breed Information and Pictures

Laperm LaPerm Breed

LaPerm Cat Breed Profile

Laperm LaPerm

Laperm 🐱 LaPerm

LaPerm Kittens for Sale

Laperm LaPerm Cat

Laperm LaPerm Cat

Laperm LaPerm kittens

LaPerm kittens for sale

Laperm LaPerm Cats

Laperm LaPerm Cat

Laperm LaPerm Cat

Laperm ― LaPerm

LaPerm Cat Breeders and Information

Forehead should be a flat plane to the top of the head, then smooth gentle curve back over top of head flowing into neck.

  • A short-haired LaPerm will look more consistent year-round.

  • Proper care and grooming of the LaPerm can help keep them disease-free.