Name a house in hogwarts - Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In? Take This Quiz to Find Out

A house hogwarts name in Text or

Hogwarts House Quiz

A house hogwarts name in Harry Potter

A house hogwarts name in Harry Potter

A house hogwarts name in Each Hogwarts

A house hogwarts name in Hogwarts House

A house hogwarts name in Each Hogwarts

What is my Hogwarts house?

A house hogwarts name in Hogwarts Ghosts

A house hogwarts name in Hogwarts House

Text or Die NAME A HOUSE IN HOGWARTS [ Answers ]

A house hogwarts name in Harry Potter:

A house hogwarts name in Hogwarts House

Harry Potter: The 10 Most Awesome Rooms In Hogwarts, Ranked

The symbol of the house is an Eagle, and the element is air.

  • Hogwarts House Quiz Our Harry Potter House Quiz will sort you into the Hogwarts house where you belong! The Hufflepuff Quidditch Team is the Quidditch team of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's Hufflepuff House.

  • Each year's group of students in the same House shared the same dormitory and many classes.

Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Also, Nymphadora Tonks was an exceptionally talented Auror who was sorted into Hufflepuff.

  • Just as fans of the Harry Potter series have been able to sort themselves into a Hogwarts house, now they can sort themselves into an Ilvermorny house.

  • But I would say that their dominant traits are their cunning nature and their nearly unparalleled ambition which makes these boys bound for the Slytherin dungeons.