Irregular polygon - Irregular Polygons

Polygon irregular Regular and

Polygon irregular CSG Irregular

Polygon irregular Polygons

Irregular Polygons

Polygon irregular Irregular Polygons

Polygon irregular Irregular Polygon

Regular and Irregular Polygons

Polygon irregular Area of

Polygon irregular Area of

Area of Irregular Polygons

Polygon irregular Regular and

Polygon irregular Area of

Polygon irregular Irregular Polygons

Irregular Polygons


Note: If we apply this formula on regular polygons from an equilateral triangle to a regular decagon, the interior angle increases, and the measure of the exterior angle decreases.

  • Like we split a quadrilateral into triangles to find its area, we can also split any polygon into triangles, trapeziums, etc.

  • A Polygon is a two-dimensional geometric figure that has a finite number of sides.