Whitman marvel - Dane Whitman

Marvel whitman Dane Whitman's

Marvel whitman Dane Whitman

Marvel whitman Dane Whitman's

Marvel whitman Black Knight

Marvel whitman Black Knight

Marvel whitman Who Mr

Dane Whitman

Marvel whitman Dane Whitman's

Marvel whitman Who Mr

Marvel whitman Whitman Knapp

Marvel whitman Dane Whitman

Dane Whitman

Kit Harington's 'Eternals' Character Explained: Dane Whitman Becomes Classic Marvel Hero

It's also in this era that Whitman becomes connected to the Eternals, starting a romantic relationship with Sersi played by Gemma Chan in the Eternals film.

  • Dane Whitman Is Black Knight In Marvel Comics In the 1960s, Hank Pym and Iron Man battled Nathan Garett aka Black Knight, an evil scientist who wielded an energy-powered lance and rode a mutated flying horse.

  • Whitman vowed to return the mantle to its heroic origins, eventually discovering the true legacy of the Black Knight, the so-called Ebony Blade, a sword that was created by Merlin in the era of Camelot.

Eternals: Who is Dane Whitman?

Interestingly, Sir Percy of Scandia, the original Black Knight, actually predates Marvel Comics, having debuted in the publisher's Atlas Comics days as a fantasy hero before being incorporated into the lore of the Marvel Universe.

  • The legacy of the Black Knight runs through the history of the Marvel Universe, all the way back to the time of Camelot and King Arthur.

  • In Eternals, Dane Whitman is featured as a fellow co-worker to Sersi working as a curator of ancient artifacts in the present-day London Museum of Natural History.

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