5000 rupiah to myr - How much is 50000 rupiahs Rp (IDR) to RM (MYR) according to the foreign exchange rate for today

To myr rupiah 5000 MYR IDR

To myr rupiah 5000 MYR IDR

RM 5000 Ringgits (MYR) to Rupiahs (IDR)

To myr rupiah 5000 Currency Conversion

To myr rupiah 5000 How much

Malaysian Ringgit to Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate History For 5 February 2022 (05/02/22)

To myr rupiah 5000 Convert $

To myr rupiah 5000 Indonesian Rupiah

Convert $ 5000 US Dollars

To myr rupiah 5000 5000 USD

How much is 50000 rupiahs Rp (IDR) to RM (MYR) according to the foreign exchange rate for today

To myr rupiah 5000 Malaysian Ringgit

To myr rupiah 5000 Convert $

To myr rupiah 5000 How much


The ending of what amounted to an export tariff severely damaged government revenues, and as of 4 February 1952, the rupiah was officially devalued to Rp 11.

  • During the month, the rupiah fluctuated in the 3,300—3,650 range.

  • They provide much more competitive rates, fees, and commissions than banks or Paypal.

Convert $ 5000 US Dollars

The policy began to be set out in November 1966, following the reaching of agreement with Indonesia's creditors in October 1966 on debt relief and loan restructuring.

  • The investor confidence in Indonesia was shaken, and due to previous deregulations, much of the Indonesian stock market was owned by foreign investors.

  • You will get a much better exchange rate and lower fees than at your bank.

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