塔利班 - 让阿富汗“变天”的塔利班,究竟是个什么组织?_长江云

塔利班 让阿富汗“变天”的塔利班,究竟是个什么组织?_长江云

塔利班 塔利班简介_塔利班成立背景_塔利班政治纲领

塔利班 塔利班简介

塔利班 前阿富汗将军誓言将对塔利班发动新战争,以“重新解放阿富汗”_萨达特_苏德_支持

塔利班 塔利班究竟是誰?人們聽到他來就瘋狂逃亡!4個QA讓你一次了解


塔利班 塔利班究竟是誰?人們聽到他來就瘋狂逃亡!4個QA讓你一次了解

塔利班 听中国学者讲述塔利班执政现状_新闻频道_中国青年网

塔利班 (豆瓣)

塔利班 塔利班简介_塔利班成立背景_塔利班政治纲领

塔利班 乌兹别克斯坦:前阿富汗政府军飞行员飞入其境内飞机为美国财产 不会交给塔利班

塔利班 【杨康来了】塔利班不是恐怖组织?中国如何看?_长江云



Houses were razed and some were used for forced labour.

  • After the Taliban established the , they imposed strict which discriminated against Hindus and Sikhs and caused the size of Afghanistan's Hindu and Sikh populations to fall at a very rapid rate because they emigrated from Afghanistan and established in the Western world.

  • Anti-Taliban resistance under Massoud The and the in early 2000, when the Taliban was at the height of its power In late 1996, and , former enemies, created the United Front against the Taliban that were preparing offensives against the remaining areas under the control of Massoud and those under the control of Dostum.

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