Noor Hisham Abdullah berkata, Sarawak merekodkan sebanyak 4,709 kes, diikuti oleh Selangor 2,710 kes dan Sabah 2,015 kes.
In the meantime, please may I encourage you to talk to your child about the vaccine so that you can agree as a family whether or not you wish your child to participate.
Digital tickets are available to purchase now via The Globe website from just £10.
Exceptions to this are: First Year Hockey and Rugby, which will be run by sports coaches, and the Chamber Orchestra who are preparing for the London Mozart Players concert next week.
We welcome and encourage your views, and have been overwhelmed by the positive response we have continued to receive from our parent body.
Menurut maklumat yang dipaparkan sepanjang tempoh 24 jam, angka kematian sebenar pada 13 September turut berubah kepada 128 kes manakala, sebanyak 104 kes kematian sebenar pada 14 September.