Brand runes - Brand Build Guides :: League of Legends Strategy Builds, Runes and Items

Runes brand Brand Build

Brand Build Guides :: League of Legends Strategy Builds, Runes and Items

Runes brand Brand builds

Runes brand Brand Build

Runes brand Brand runes

Brand Build, Runes, Counters (Middle, Season 12.8)

Runes brand Brand Runeword

Runes brand Brand Build

Brand Build Guide : Brand The Fire God :: League of Legends Strategy Builds

Runes brand Brand ::

Brand runes

Runes brand Brand Rune

Runes brand Brand Build

Runes brand Brand (Character)


Brand Rune Word

Unlike Zyra, Brand is unable to block your hooks and also has no escape.

  • A kill is worth 300 gold so if you last hit 17 minions you will gain same amount as a kill can give, and we're not tacking into account cannon minion and value increment of minion! Facing a ranged champion Ranged champions are a completely different match.

  • If the target is already Ablaze, Pyroclasm also briefly slows.

Brand (League of Legends)


  • If you want have easy wins with no effort midlane is not the champion that you want play ; try the version ,it is rly comfortable , you don't need learn last hit minions, you have an allie that compense your lack of sustain and mobility , the enemies are 2 , so your Aoe Area of Effect abilities are more efficient; is in a safer position when played in bottomlane ,like bottom carry or in position , than midlane.

  • The build with Brand Dragon lane is very similar to mid lane Brand however you can go for a more utility build with Rylai's and Liandry's to allow your abilities to slow and deal more damage over time.