Surah yassin - Surah Yasin: The Heart of the Noble Quran

Yassin surah Surah Yasin:

Yassin surah Surah Yasin:

Yassin surah ‎Surah Yassin

Yassin surah Surah Yasin

Surat Yasin Latin Saja

Yassin surah Surah Yaseen

Surah Yasin

Yassin surah ‎Surah Yasin

Surat Yasin Latin Saja

Yassin surah Surat Yasin

5 Benefits of Surah Yasin to fulfills the your Needs According to Sunnah

Yassin surah Surah Yaseen

Yassin surah Surat Yasin:

Surah Yasin

Yassin surah Surah Yasin

Keutamaan Dan Fadhilat Membaca Surah Yassin

Dan Dialah Maha Pencipta lagi Maha Mengetahui.

  • In the end, God says He is capable of doing anything.

  • If the movement of the moon had not been bound in a system, estimation of its phases would not have been possible.


As soon as he entered the next world through the gate of death, there were the angels to receive him, and they gave him the good news that Paradise was awaiting him.

  • Wanufikho fii shshuuri faidzaa hum minal ajdaatsi ilaa robbihim yansilūn Lalu ditiuplah sangkakala, maka seketika itu mereka keluar dari kuburnya dalam keadaan hidup , menuju kepada Tuhannya 52.

  • It is an easy-to-use, attractive app that has been developed under careful supervision of the Deeniyat organization.