Eschool 中华 - Untitled Document

中华 eschool Untitled Document


中华 eschool 吉隆坡循人中学全球资讯网 Tsun

全方位認識 全香港中學

中华 eschool Greater Latrobe

中华 eschool 北京市建设工程招标投标和造价管理协会

Greater Latrobe School District

中华 eschool 吉隆坡循人中学全球资讯网 Tsun

中华 eschool 吉隆坡循人中学全球资讯网 Tsun

中华 eschool Greater Latrobe

Untitled Document

中华 eschool 巴生中华独中校友会

中华 eschool Untitled Document

中华 eschool 吉隆坡循人中学全球资讯网 Tsun


In 1962, many local Chinese schools opted for systemic reformation.

  • This is also a strong and undeniable evidence of the valuable contributions made by the Chinese independent high schools to the nation and the society.

  • In the early 1950, responding to the urgency to provide students with a holistic Chinese education and to pass on the excellent Chinese culture, the Tsun Jin Board of Governors thus endeavored to establish an independent Chinese high school.