Actually, I think it helped my mental health more than before I started volunteering.
Basically, we just have to communicate and educate people towards the whole process, as well as what to do pre- and post-vaccination.
Oh, if the world can only see how surprised and blushed I was… 7 Daler is Uzbekistan + Malay mix and he can speak up to 6 languages, but if there is one language that he is not fluent in - it is Bahasa Melayu.
Little did I know, they managed to secure him the night before our first shooting day.
Namun, seperti biasalah, jika sudah melangkah kaki ke sana, pasti ada yang mula menitipkan doa agar penyanyi lagu Penat itu berhijab dan tidak lagi kembali dengan imej s3ksi seperti sebelum ini.
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