Before and after: South Korean plastic surgeon Dr Seo says women are eager to have Caucasian features He explained: 'We will do eyelid surgery, as well as give her a higher nose.
Back in June, , using a collection of her own eyeshadows and blending brushes, but our beloved Korean cosmetic companies took no time at all to produce their own unique makeup tool called the Dear Girls Cute Eyes Maker to achieve aegyo-sal perfection.
So what is their secret? The look is most popular in Asia, particularly in South Korea, where it originated.
Eyelid tape ini di pasaran juga disebut sebagai aegyo sal tape dan banyak digunakan oleh anak-anam muda di Korea Selatan.
The muscle responsible for closing the eyelids during blinking is called the orbicularis muscle.
Catfishing is the luring of somebody into an online friendship through a fake online persona.