Slovenia - The official travel guide to Slovenia

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10 Best Slovenia Tours & Trips 2022/2023

Slovenia Slovenia Travel

10 Best Slovenia Tours & Trips 2022/2023

Slovenia TOP 10

Slovenia Opinion

Slovenia Slovenia Map

History of Slovenia

Slovenia History of

Slovenia Slovenia

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Slovenia Slovenia Map

Slovenia How to

Interesting fun facts about Slovenia

Cerkno With its rolling hills and green valleys, the Cerkno region makes for an excellent hiking and cycling destination.

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  • After Tito's death in 1980, serious disagreements and unrest among Yugoslavia's regions began to grow, and the central government in Belgrade sought to further strengthen its control.

25 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Visit Slovenia

Trailing behind the top two contenders were the New Slovenia party with 7%, followed by the Social Democrats with more than 6% and the Left party with 4%.

  • The only thing you could regret is not staying longer.

  • He took over after lawmakers from centrist and left-leaning groups switched sides following the resignation in 2020 of liberal Prime Minister Marjan Sarec.