Macc act 2009 - THE NEW SECTION 17A OF THE MACC ACT 2009

2009 macc act Corporate Corruption

2009 macc act After mounting

MACC says it has power to probe public officials, including judges

2009 macc act Section 17A

Corporate Liability under the Malaysian Anti

2009 macc act Section 17A


2009 macc act Malaysian Anti

2009 macc act Corporate Liability

2009 macc act Act 694

2009 macc act Section 17A

2009 macc act Corporate Corruption

Section 17A Of The Malaysian Anti

2009 macc act Section 17A

Section 17A Of The Malaysian Anti

Its president, Karen Cheah Yee Lynn, said that the probe violated the doctrine of the separation of powers and also undermined the independence of the judiciary.

  • It must be noted that the top level management also holds a responsibility to ensure compliance with all laws, regulations and policies so as to combat corruption.

  • Category d is likely to include agents engaged with the commercial organisation who are not direct employees.

MACC says it has power to probe public officials, including judges

Defense to Offence under Section 17A Section 17A 4 of the MACC Act provides for the only defense against an offence under Section 17A of the MACC Act.

  • MGCC is aware that in its pool of members and participants on its services and events are also companies which compete on national as well as international markets.

  • The above wide definition of categories of persons would appear to cover shadow directors, the true controllers of a company, significant shareholders of 30% of the issued share capital of companies, and the possible controllers of trusts.