Aot no requiem - Aot No Requiem Fanmade Ending

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AoT no Requiem Fan Project Megathread

Requiem aot no I can't

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Let’s Talk About AoT no Requiem Part 1

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Requiem aot no Requiem der

Requiem aot no Let’s Talk

Requiem aot no AoT no

aot no requiem sucks : titanfolk

Requiem aot no Scan AoT

Requiem aot no AoT no

Requiem aot no AoT no

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AOT No Requiem (Webcomic)

Many of these thematic elements strongly reflect the history of our world as we know it, and such make for analyzing the text all the more compelling.

  • Fanfiction has always existed man, if you don't like it then don't read it simple.

  • I'm kind of bewildered that so many people don't like something like this.


I hope that the team doesn't fanboy over eren to the point where it twists their writing.

  • Historia is actually having dialogue that is changing the way characters think and giving reason behind it, unlike what happened in canon.

  • Still I can't really complain about the length of it due to time constrains.