Serendah garden restaurant - Serendah Garden Restaurant 双文丹花园餐厅 🇲🇾

Restaurant serendah garden SERENDAH GARDEN

Tasik Kebun Resort

Restaurant serendah garden Serendah Garden

KY eats

Restaurant serendah garden cross

Restaurant serendah garden cross

Restaurant serendah garden Tasik Kebun

Restaurant serendah garden Serendah Garden

Tasik Kebun Resort

Restaurant serendah garden SERENDAH GARDEN

Restaurant serendah garden Serendah Garden

Restaurant serendah garden Serendah Garden

Restaurant serendah garden Serendah Garden

Serendah Garden Restaurant


Our server took us to our reserved 2-seater table near the piano but also suggested that if we liked, we could sit at the bigger table.

  • Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly.

  • We hope that each guest that passes through the Tasik Kebun gates will be able to capture the true essence of kampung-style living - and experience so much more.

Serendah Garden Restaurant

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  • I really do like it with those extra vegetable options as well, most other places only offers meat based additional ingredients.

  • Me and my children enjoyed the pool n food very much.