Amalia holm - Amalia Holm Net Worth, Age, Bio, Birthday, Height, Facts

Holm amalia Motherland: Fort

Amalia Holm Bjelke Net Worth, Bio, Age, Height, Nationality, Relationship

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Holm amalia Amalia Holm

Holm amalia Scylla Ramshorn

10 Things You Didn't Know About Amalia Holm

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Holm amalia 10 Things

Motherland: Fort Salem

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Holm amalia Amalia Holm

10 Things You Didn't Know About Amalia Holm

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Meanwhile, a young man named Adil from the Tarim tribe goes to Fort Salem to get help for his sister, Khalidia, and clashes with Alder over their use of seed sounds.

  • Holm shares most of her scenes with Taylor Hickson.

  • They convince Bridey to take them to the nearby beach, where they find Raelle and comfort her.

Amalia Holm

I just think we all have to wait and see, because the show is purposely giving us little information each episode.

  • Scylla is in a very precarious position under the custody of Anacostia and Alder.

  • It's later revealed that the attack was a prank.