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Smoke would continue to fight alongside his comrade Sub-Zero under his human name, Tomas Vrbada.

  • These moves have become Sub-Zero's trademark since then, being featured in every game that Sub-Zero has appeared in Mortal Kombat II and subsequent games feature the younger Sub-Zero.

  • Sub-Zero in 2019 First appearance 1992 Created by Designed by John Tobias early games Allan Ditzig MK:DA Luis Mangubat MK:D Portrayed by , Federation of Martial Arts , Voiced by Bi-Han MK:TJB MK9 MKL:SR Kuai Liang MK:DotR MK4 Ed Boon MK:D Rom Barkhordar 2005—2006 Jim Miller 2008—2011 2015—present MK11, DLC Skin Bayardo De Murguia MKL:BotR Motion capture Bi-Han MK John Turk UMK3, MKT, MKM:SZ, MKA Kuai Liang MKII Joshua Y.


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  • He was given the award of the best fighter of 1997 by SuperGamePower readers vote.

  • Afterwards, however, discovers him and takes him away to in the hope he can be healed.