Hadal amphipod - Hadal zone

Amphipod hadal Life in

Gut Microbial Divergence Between Three Hadal Amphipod Species from the Isolated Hadal Trenches

Amphipod hadal The Hadal

Amphipod hadal Life in


Amphipod hadal The Hadal

Amphipod hadal Knowing What’s

Amphipod hadal Characterization of

Gut Microbial Divergence Between Three Hadal Amphipod Species from the Isolated Hadal Trenches

Amphipod hadal The Deepest

Amphipod hadal Hadal zone

Amphipod hadal The Deepest


Amphipod hadal Characterization of

The Hadal Amphipod Hirondellea gigas Possessing a Unique Cellulase for Digesting Wooden Debris Buried in the Deepest Seafloor

Apart from snailfish and cusk-eels, there are no other fish we know of that inhabit the hadal zone at these depths.

  • However, the amphipods that live in the hadal zone are 20 times larger, up to 30 cm! This absence cannot be readily explained by other known environmental factors, such as temperature, as the Indian Ocean bottom temperatures lie between the warmer Mariana Trench and colder South Sandwich Trench.

  • B Heatmap showing the 43 shared function pathways with different abundances among the distinct amphipod gut microbial.

Knowing What’s Underneath: 10 Facts About The Hadal Zone

Data Availability Statement Physical samples are housed at The University of Western Australia.

  • Some invertebrates do occur deeper, such as certain foraminifera, worms, sea cucumbers, snails and amphipods in excess of 10,000 m 33,000 ft.

  • Particularly among , amphipods are known as freshwater shrimp, scuds or sideswimmers.

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