Better talk to Malaysian staff than rely on the foreign workers to understand the rates charged.
Disamping itu pengunjung juga akan dapat melihat pemandangan panorama sebahagian besar kawasan Taman Rimba Komanwel melalui titian silara ini serta melihat hidupan liar yang terdapat di sini.
I will be explaining why the title of this blog is so.
There is nothing great about Sg.
Anda dilarang memasak, memancing, membuang sampah merata-rata dan mandi ketika hujan.
It was awesome, hearing En and Abby talked like old buddy and they were just 6 years old! I was trying to overcome my guilt of feeding them instant noodle but hey, this is camping, isn't it? Additionally, this place only accepts camper who are aged 16 and above.