Estonia country - 25 incredible things you didn't know about Estonia

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Top 10 Facts About Living Conditions in Estonia

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57 Interesting Facts About Estonia

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Country estonia 57 Interesting

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History of Estonia

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Healthcare became freely available to everybody during the Soviet era.

  • The meeting was aggressive and demonstrators attacked the minister of social affairs.

  • The Eesti Pank was established on February 24, 1919, to regulate the circulation of the currency.

Flags, Symbols & Currency of Estonia

It has also enforced a new law, most important in rural areas, that requires pedestrians to wear small reflectors, generally pinned to their coats or handbags.

  • The King's brother Johan married the Polish princess.

  • With this, there is also the risk of getting ripped off in the strip clubs along Viru Street and other local bars run by shady, organized crime gangs.