Big bang theory science - What happened before the Big Bang?

Science big bang theory What caused

Big Bang

Science big bang theory Big Bang

Science big bang theory Big Bang

Science big bang theory What is

Science big bang theory What is

Science big bang theory The Big

Big Bang Theory

Science big bang theory The Big

Science big bang theory The Big

Science big bang theory Top Ten

Science big bang theory What is

Top Ten Scientific Flaws In The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang

Our own galaxy is racing away from ground zero at lightspeed - isn't this the basic idea of the big bang theory? Stefan Keller of the Australian National University discovered this star based on elements in its light spectrum and observing that it had an incredibly low content of iron and a little bit of carbon which shows that it is at least a second generation star created from the debris of at least one supernova before it formed.

  • The atomic structure, protons-neutrons and electrons-Trinity three distinct properties-persons, the atomic structure of the atom that can neither be created nor destroyed.

  • Several problems here, even if the generic sense is correct.