Yoimiya team comp - Yoimiya Rating and Best Builds

Comp yoimiya team Genshin Impact

Comp yoimiya team Yoimiya

Genshin Impact: The Best Team Members For Yoimiya

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Best Yoimiya Genshin Impact build: Artifacts, weapons, more

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Best Yoimiya Genshin Impact build: Artifacts, weapons, more

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Comp yoimiya team Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact: The Best Team Composition for Yoimiya

Comp yoimiya team Genshin Impact

Dazzling Light of Summer: Yoimiya Guide

Both comps are functional, but Yoimiya will likely have energy issues in the first and may lose Vaporize procs since both Zhongli and Albedo are eating away at the Hydro aura.

  • For example, if Yoimiya was performing an N5 string, she would apply Pyro on the first hit of N1, allowing that hit to cause an elemental reaction if another elemental aura was already on the target.

  • Yoimiya's team needs to be composed to perfection, too.

Yoimiya Team Comp Genshin Impact

Naganohara Fireworks is known for its excellence in creating a show that brings back memories.

  • Niwabi Enshou: During this time, arrows fired by Yoimiya's Normal Attack will be Blazing Arrows, and their Damage will be increased and converted to Pyro Damage.

  • Team- Yun Jin and Yoimiya There are many physical damage dealers who can work perfectly with Yun Jin.

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