Apit wan lebo - 'Apit Wan Lebo' charged with posting offensive remarks on Facebook

Lebo apit wan YouTuber ‘Apit

Lebo apit wan YouTuber charged

Lebo apit wan Apit Wan

Terkini! Apit Wan Lebo didakwa di mahkamah

Lebo apit wan Apit Wan

Lebo apit wan Kronologi kejadian

Lebo apit wan Apit Wan

Lebo apit wan 'Apit Wan

Lebo apit wan Terkini! Apit

Lebo apit wan Polis sahkan

'Apit Wan Lebo' charged with posting offensive remarks on Facebook

Lebo apit wan Makan Best

'Apit Wan Lebor' mengaku tidak bersalah hina kerajaan

This is one of several cases that have come to light involving YouTube influencers in Malaysia.

  • Pendakwaan dikendalikan Liyana Zawani Mohd Radzi, manakala Roshafeez diwakili peguam Keshvinder Singh dan Sukhdave Singh.

  • Di takdirkan 1 lori roti gardenia 5 tan stranded, so die sedekahkan roti.

Terkini! Apit Wan Lebo didakwa di mahkamah

The post appeared first on.

  • Jalan dah out, bot je yang lepas.

  • Pendakwaan dikendalikan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Liyana Zawani Mohd.

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