Every version of the Monica Lewinsky story reveals America’s failure of empathy
Monica Lewinsky details Bill Clinton sexual encounter that led to stained blue dress
Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinski și cele mai celebre scene de amor din Biroul Oval
Monica Lewinsky details Bill Clinton sexual encounter that led to stained blue dress
Bill Clinton says Monica Lewinsky affair was to 'manage anxiety'
Monica Lewinsky reveló qué hizo para enloquecer a Bill Clinton y cómo fue el primer encuentro sexual
Acesta a avut o relație sexuală cu Monica Lewinski, una dintre stagiarele de la Casa Albă.
Yet in her later columns, Dowd would begin to criticize Lewinsky, too, in ways that show how this second narrative of the scandal could contain within it a cruel and vicious third narrative.
Potrivit mărturiei sale ulterioare, Lewinsky a fost implicată într-o relație sexuală cu președintele Bill Clinton între iarna anului 1995 și martie 1997.
En route to the restroom at about 8 p.
He was the most powerful man on the planet.
I told her exactly what happened, when it happened.