Synchronous 意思 - synchronous与isochronous的区别_百度知道

意思 synchronous synchronous中文_synchronous是什么意思

意思 synchronous synchronous中文_synchronous是什么意思


意思 synchronous synchronous speed中文_synchronous

意思 synchronous 同步电动机_百度百科

意思 synchronous asynchronous中文, asynchronous是什麼意思:異步的…

synchronous speed中文_synchronous speed是什么意思

意思 synchronous synchronous中文, synchronous是什麼意思:同時的…

意思 synchronous synchronous中文, synchronous是什麼意思:同時的…

synchronous speed中文_synchronous speed是什么意思

意思 synchronous Difference between

意思 synchronous Synchronous &


意思 synchronous asynchronous中文, asynchronous是什麼意思:異步的…

synchronous中文, synchronous是什麼意思:同時的…

Reset gets the highest priority.

  • On other hand the Asynchronous transmission there is gap present between the data and consists of start bit and end bit in middle of which actual data is present.

  • Conclusion Both synchronous and asynchronous reset have advantages and disadvantages.


In this case if the same power failure occurs there is no chance that any successfully committed transactions will be lost, as they are guaranteed to have made it to disk.

  • A synchronous motor drives the measuring bob at a constant rotational speed.

  • Efficient use of transmission line is done in synchronous transmission.