Surah al fil - SURAH AL

Fil surah al Tafsir Surat

Fil surah al Surah Fil:

Fil surah al Surah Fil

Fil surah al Surah Fil

Fil surah al Al

Fil surah al Sura al

Fil surah al Tafsir Surat

Fil surah al Isi Kandungan

Surat Al Fil beserta Artinya, Tafsir dan Asbabun Nuzul

Fil surah al Al Quran

Fil surah al Quran WBW

Surah Al Fil

Therefore, it would not be that difficult to imagine the condition of those subjected to the showering of stones thrown by flocks of birds from above, like machine guns firing bullets down upon them.

  • Mereka yang masih selamat lari tunggang langgang.

  • Thus, Allah returned their kingdom to them i.