Tanggungjawab Majikan Pada Pekerja: Kerja Tak Lebih 12 Jam Sehari, Ada 1 Cuti Rehat Dalam Seminggu!
AKTA 446 Insight and Compliance Seminar
Many employers still indifferent to welfare of migrant workers
Employers Can Still Apply for Labour Recalibration Program
Many employers still indifferent to welfare of migrant workers
Membuat bayaran gaji melalui bank Seksyen 25, Akta Kerja 1955 Penamatan Pekerja 1.
Senarai Tanggungjawab Majikan Kepada Pekerja Sebenarnya terdapat pelbagai aspek di mana majikan perlu bertanggungjawab terhadap pekerjanya.
Many Malaysian companies have not directly hired foreign workers since 2005.
Seksyen 60C 1 , Akta Kerja 1955 6.
Q What actions should employers take? Ita Wee heading UniTalent Employment Agency certainly possesses a deep knowledge on the rage of job disciplines.
Before the establishment of Malaysia in September 1963, the functions of the Department were under the jurisdiction of the district office.