Careless whisper - The Story of... 'Careless Whisper' by George Michael

Whisper careless CARELESS WHISPER

Letra de CARELESS WHISPER de George Michael

Whisper careless The Story

Whisper careless The Story

Whisper careless The Number

Whisper careless The Number

Whisper careless The Story

Whisper careless Cover versions

Sheet Music

Whisper careless CARELESS WHISPER

Whisper careless Sheet Music

Whisper careless Careless Whisper

George Michael


  • The fellow got desperately drunk and the three teenagers were killed - mistaken identity.

  • Growing up in Waco I remember when all of this happened and of course followed the case in the local media.


First, because of the horrific nature of the three murders.

  • To his great credit, George Michael did not get blown offstage, and he did not lose this crowd.

  • Stowers is a superb researcher and author.