Jpj bid - JPJ opens bidding for AMD number plate series from 25th to 29th October

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PPP Number Plate Series Fetches RM 7.3 Million At Auction

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KFC is holding their own bid for an actual plate after JPJ's successful car plate bids

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JPJ opens bidding for AMD number plate series from 25th to 29th October

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DDV Number Plate Series Bidding Records Highest Bid To Date Totalling RM1.98 Million

DDV Number Plate Series Bidding Records Highest Bid To Date Totalling RM1.98 Million

The biggest impact would be on the runners revenue.

  • To add to that, this series now holds the record of the highest collection for a number plate series ever since the was introduced in the state.

  • He said that the results of the five-day bid, which starts at midnight today until 11.

The Complete Guide to Car Plate Bidding in Malaysia

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats.

  • The online bidding system has been rolled-out in , , Kedah, and Sabah.

  • Yes, they are terrific basketball players.