I'm not sure if this is true of all Wal-Marts, but at the ones near me they have a double shopping cart with a place for a baby or toddler to sit and an infant carrier it looks kind of like a bouncer and has straps like a car seat.
Being a woman and a mom, you're likely already an expert multi-tasker, but you also know how demanding a little baby can be because you still have one! I can also reassure you that the first 6 months is the worst.
Is It Safe to Have Two Babies in Such a Short Span of Time? If you're raising Irish Twins, what is your best advice? I just had my son Braeden this previous March 2016 and fell pregnant 3-4 months later.
Except the O'Flaherty twins are drunk again.
Unlike biological twins, Irish twins have a slight age difference.