Pyrrhic meaning - What does pyrrhic dance mean?

Meaning pyrrhic What does

Pyrrhic Victory Definition

Meaning pyrrhic How to

What does pyrrhic dance mean?

Meaning pyrrhic What does

Meaning pyrrhic The saying

Meaning pyrrhic Pyrrhic Definition,

Meaning pyrrhic Pyrrhic victory

Meaning pyrrhic Pyrrhic Definition,

Meaning pyrrhic What does

5 Famous Pyrrhic Victories

Meaning pyrrhic What is

How to pronounce pyrrhic

Meaning pyrrhic 5 Famous

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The victory was pyrrhic because the Indonesian Police started investigating the company for alleged corruption.

  • The term refers to the victory of King Pyrrhus of Epirus over the Romans at Asculum in 279 b.

  • O fortune, how long must we dirge to breathe life? The Secretary-General also secured broad support for his recommendations on financing peacekeeping, but, over the course of the year, his major success proved to be a pyrrhic victory.