Liver segments - Minimally Invasive Surgery of Right Superior Liver Segments Safe and Effective

Segments liver Couinaud classification

Segmental Anatomy of the Liver

Segments liver Couinaud classification

Segments liver Liver Segments

Liver: Anatomy and Functions

Segments liver Liver segments

Hepatic segments (Couinaud classification)

Segments liver Liver segments

Segments liver Human liver

Hepatic segments (Couinaud classification)

Segments liver Liver Segments

CPT coding for hepatobiliary surgery

Segments liver Hepatic segments

Segments liver Liver segment

Segments liver The Radiology

Couinaud Liver Segments in CT Scanner

However, multiple wedge resections more than two for multiple lesions that is, metastatic disease would have few indications and would rarely be performed.

  • Ann Surg 231, 223—228 2000.

  • The medial segment is also called the quadrate lobe.

Couinaud Liver Segments in CT Scanner

Each segment has its own vascular inflow, outflow and biliary drainage.

  • The branching pattern of the hepatic veins Like most studies , we observed 2 or 3 main hepatic-vein outlets into the inferior caval vein.

  • Middle hepatic vein: Divides the liver into right and left functional lobe.