Surah taghabun - Terjemahan Al Quran Bahasa Melayu

Taghabun surah Surah Taghabun

Taghabun surah Quran Surat

Taghabun surah Surah Taghabun

Taghabun surah Al

Taghabun surah Surat At

Taghabun surah Surah Taghabun

Taghabun surah Surah At

Taghabun surah Chapter (64)

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Taghabun surah Surah At

Taghabun surah Benefits and

Surah At

The third thing which logically follows from the first two.

  • There can be no alteration in the Nature made by Allah.

  • On the contrary, the heart of the person who knows and believes sincerely that everything is in the hand of Allah, that He alone in the Master and Ruler of the universe that only by His permission can an affliction befall and only by His command can it be averted, is blessed by Allah with the grace of patience and submission and of acquiescing in Divine will, and is granted the power to face every circumstance with determination and courage.