History and Etymology for symbol Noun in sense 1, from Late Latin symbolum, from Late Greek symbolon, from Greek, token, sign; in other senses from Latin symbolum token, sign, symbol, from Greek symbolon, literally, token of identity verified by comparing its other half, from symballein to throw together, compare, from syn- + ballein to throw β more at.
This page offers an arrow keyboard text symbol to copy and paste arrow emoticons, symbols, and emojis to any application.
The reverse solidus is also known as a reverse division character, although that usage is rare.
Various slang terms for the symbol include bang, pling, smash, soldier, control, and screamer.
The asterisk can denote a wildcard, repetition, notations, multiplication times , and footnotes.
The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of charachters so that they're easy to find.