Rain check meaning - meaning

Check meaning rain What Does

Check meaning rain Rain Check

Check meaning rain I'll take

What Does Raincheck Mean In Slang?

Check meaning rain Rain check


Check meaning rain What Does

rain check meaning, origin, example sentence, definition, synonym

Check meaning rain Slang Define:

Check meaning rain What does

Check meaning rain How to

Check meaning rain etymology

rain check meaning, origin, example sentence, definition, synonym

Check meaning rain What does

Slang Define: What is Rain Check?

If there was heavy rain and a baseball game had to be postponed, the people who had tickets to the match were given a rain check voucher to attend a different match as a later date.

  • This gives the impression the business cares so much for its customers that it will do everything in its power to ensure they are always satisfied.

  • This is especially true if the person inviting knows the meaning and connotation of the expression.

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